Donate Monetarily


Your donation makes all the difference

SMILE Foster Closet knows how hard everyone works for their money. We want you to know that your contribution makes a tangible difference in the lives of at-risk, kinship, and foster families. Even $10 goes a long way. Please consider donating to SMILE Foster Closet. Your donation will make an impact on the life of a child.

$10 = One pack of new socks or a teen hygiene kit

$20 = One new pack of underwear

$30 = One new case of diapers

$40 = Weeks supply of new baby formula

$50 = Sixteen duffel bags for clothing OR a new crib mattress

$75 = One new five-point safety car seat

$200 = One twin bed frame with mattress

$300 = Thirty-six clear totes for clothing storage

$400 = Two pack-and-plays AND a single or double stroller

$500 = One twin wooden bunk bed with mattress

Donate NOW